Sponsor Us!

Amador Valley High School VRC Team from Pleasanton, California

Running this club and the competition we host requires a sum of money and resources. We have to buy official parts, kits, and other materials every year. Support from sponsors would greatly help us, as we would be able to fund our projects and devote more time to perfecting our craft. As we are self-funded, any contributions are greatly appreciated. Donations will allow our club to continue to grow, which will allow more students to become exposed to engineering topics. By sponsoring us, you will become a part of that journey by enabling the high school students of today to become the next generation of engineers and scientists.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also greatly impacted our club, as we were unable to host our annual competition in the last two years and hence were left without any income for 30 months.

Sponsoring us enables you to grow your audience to the high school engineering community as well as any and all professionals that attend our competitions. Having your logo and information displayed by us means that your company will constantly be promoted in local and wider settings. Your company logo and details will be displayed on our robot, engineering notebook, website, and more.

Write check to: Amador Valley High School
(All donations to us are tax deductible.)

Memo Line: Avengineers (Engineering Club)

Mail to: Tony Dennis
Amador Valley High School
1155 Santa Rita Road
Pleasanton, CA 94566
United States of America

Current Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors and any other people who have donated to our club!